I compose music as a hobby and I study math and science. My aspiration musically is to make an orchestral score for a video game, my scholarly aspirations are to develop effective models/algorithms. I am also fond of the wristwatch. Feel free to PM.



Joined on 3/27/10

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WingoWinston's News

Posted by WingoWinston - July 28th, 2013

Working a 9=5 job makes composition hard work, but I finally got some time in this weekend! May not be the greatest work, but I hope I make it to the next round. I've got about 1 minute down, so I'm about half way there. It's a brass heavy song, with strings and choir so far. I'm hoping to get the blunt of it done this weekend, My EWQL stopped working so that's a setback too, but I'll manage.

I wish everyone the best of luck!

Posted by WingoWinston - July 1st, 2013

To all the Canadians in the world, so at least 50% of all hockey teams and the odd sprinkling that seems to find itself in all other places. Our 50 dollar bills stink of maple and in the south it can still snow in May. Thankfully, we have the best beer in the world so we're happy year 'round. According to Time magazine we are also the most educated country in the world and also a country where atheism is rather common; A coincidence? I think not.

We also have our faults, but never mind that today.

Also enjoy this slightly-related photo - the celebrations hat - and its good intentions for your day.

Artist: Winston Campeau

Happy Canada Day Eh!

Posted by WingoWinston - May 31st, 2013

I'm having a lot of fun making music about this guy. If you haven't noticed I'm including parts of a story along with the music in the description. The Yanterflum is definitely my current muse.

The two new songs being:

The Yanterflum Rises

Determining the Stakes

The first one is pretty short and the second one is a 1:15 loop. Both are pretty rad.

Be prepared for this level of awesomeness...

Two New Yanterflum Songs

Posted by WingoWinston - May 27th, 2013

There. Done. I lied, I finished Monday. The Yanterflum's Grotto

I wish the double bass was a bit more prevalent, but the sample I had was severely distorted if I pumped it up anymore passed the point it's at in the song. The song is great on speakers but much better listened to on earphones (for the full attempt at holophonics and to hear the bass proper). I considered using audacity for its bass boost but the "farm" internet I have to deal with would require one hour or so to download it which I just DO NOT have the patience for lol.

I hope you dig the new tune.

Also, enjoy this snowman I made.

The Yanterflum's Grotto

Posted by WingoWinston - May 23rd, 2013

I've been working on a new song and it's been a lot of fun putting it together so far. It will be much unlike my recent lazier works. Although sometimes my lazy works do earn some acclaim and my harder works nothing at all, but, I think this one will be received well.

As it is so far a woodwind trio and a bass instrument. Two time signatures have been used so far; part of the song is a walkz which is what I'm working on now.

I put a good bit of extra work in to getting a nice "3D" sound to the piece as well.

Should be awesome when I'm done. No idea when, maybe tomorrow maybe this weekend.

Wish you well,


Posted by WingoWinston - March 1st, 2013

I don't often post music out of of the classical genre. Once I think actually.. a terrible techno song.

All the sounds are just the random sound effects offered by smartsoft on Finale. I literally wrote out every single note. It is a fantastically large score of 9 tracks with many 32nd notes making ludicrously large measures. It was extremely fun to make and I will be posting it very soon.

I hope you appreciate listening to it as much as I did making it.

Posted by WingoWinston - January 15th, 2013

Now That I have these new samples.. I find myself just playing with them all day.

Heaven's Trial

I really like this one. The voices are so crisp compared to those synthed ones that come with Finale.

Posted by WingoWinston - December 28th, 2012

No, my new song isn't the song I was talking about... but it is something at least. So you should try poutine. It's delicious.


Posted by WingoWinston - November 23rd, 2012

Making a cool piano song past few days.. should be done soon.

EDIT: Few weeks

Posted by WingoWinston - October 23rd, 2012

I made a song today for the 2012 Halloween spooktacular competition. It's called The Castle At Night

I put a good amount of effort in to it and it would be sweet if I won any of the prizes, but hey, I'll be just glad if it gets listened to loads. I honestly didn't even know there was a competition but I just happened to make a Halloweenesque song, so I thought, "Hey why not?"

And if you have an entry and want me to listen to it vote a helpful 4 or 5 on it, just comment here! You scratch my back I'll scratch yours. ( But if the song is crap then I'm obviously not going to :P ).

Happy Halloween!