I have become obsessed with remembering numbers of pi in my spare time. I realize there are easy ways to remember the numbers.. commonly now by using a book and making the syllables numbers. So far I've memorized one hundred in the last 2 days. So I'll type it from memory to test myself!
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993 751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421 17067
If there is an error tell me, I'm sure it's right though. I know I could have just copy and pasted it lol but 100 isn't that impressive. If you meet me in real life I'll tell you them by heart haha!
thats cool i guess but is there any real practical purpose to memorizing the digits?
There used to be when it was hard to compute it. Now its purely a geek matter. lol