Two things,
2) Made me feel like watching PS1 cutscenes/PS2 gameplay. Was really neat. I felt a lot of nostalgia watching this. Thanks!
Two things,
2) Made me feel like watching PS1 cutscenes/PS2 gameplay. Was really neat. I felt a lot of nostalgia watching this. Thanks!
I've gotten a lot of reboot comparisons as well.
It is amazing that the show ever existed actually... if you think about the kind of hardware they had to use back then to create it. To this day I have no freaking clue how they managed to pull it off. Getting 48 episodes published in the timeframe of 3.5 years is a herculean feat... even if they had a large team of people working on it.
The graphics upgrade featured in the upcoming Delura EP 005.03 should bear more resemblance to the detail level of PS2 games than PS1. I am slowly trying to upgrade my system to be able to handle more than it can now.
I Love the Physics, Hate the ... Love... More Hppyish Jazz.
ALSO! Loved the use of the Civilization song, Baba Yetu.
Foreshadowing much?
I've watched this so many times now...
There are some serious trolls reviewing this. They are boderline abusive. Most of them don't even have the right to critique you. "I saw egoraptor once and now he is my set bar for everything". The animation was good, the comedy was good. Jokes are re-told, this is a fact. This is a good re-telling of an old joke. (Two if you count the chicken joke).
Part of the review is supposed to be constructive criticism not just blatant whining. The only thing I'd say is the audio sounds a little off but I realize it was done for the sake of style of the film.
Awesome work.
not really "trolls" more like kids with big assumptions.
Good of you to poke fun at the very typical super hero origin story. Nicely done. Keep up the good work!
thanks man.. and thanks for some great music! I'm glad you enjoyed it. =D
I want the song. Must download now. Awesome animation.
I compose music as a hobby and I study math and science. My aspiration musically is to make an orchestral score for a video game, my scholarly aspirations are to develop effective models/algorithms. I am also fond of the wristwatch. Feel free to PM.
Joined on 3/27/10