I Dig
Any Final Fantasy Music is automatically awesome.
I Dig
Any Final Fantasy Music is automatically awesome.
So true.
10/10 and 5/5 just for using baby on board. Looks like there is some heavy potential to a remix of that song.
EPIC on all counts.
I liked this song. It's a good composition. Keep it up!
Reley good.
its not esey to sound like that. You have good contrail of your voice. It makes you sound like you have a lot of stranth. Pepole may think this review is worthles. i dont care! i think you deserve a rating of 4.59!
P.S the only reson im giving this a 10 is beacuase the voices where pretty good. but thats it!
I compose music as a hobby and I study math and science. My aspiration musically is to make an orchestral score for a video game, my scholarly aspirations are to develop effective models/algorithms. I am also fond of the wristwatch. Feel free to PM.
Joined on 3/27/10