I Dig.
You've been scouted.
Found 1:20-1:30 area a little awkward and the ending a little weaker than the the flow of the rest of the song. But that may have well just been your personal artistic choice.
Keep it up.
I Dig.
You've been scouted.
Found 1:20-1:30 area a little awkward and the ending a little weaker than the the flow of the rest of the song. But that may have well just been your personal artistic choice.
Keep it up.
This reminded me of Clockwork Orange. For instilling nostalgia 5 stars.
I've never heard of that, but I'm googling it now!
I didn't listen.
Excellent... Everything is going according to plan...
This song felt like it took a good amount to work to finish. I imagine if you added generic dubstep to this it would be an automatic front page. Good work!
I appreciate that! I really am terrible at creating decent drums that don't overpower the theme of the song, so I usually just compensate with a really deep, pulsating bass. The downside is that it sounds excessively dark and creepy. I'd love to learn how to add a complimentary drum kit and make it 'real' dubstep someday, but until then, I guess I'll just keep making my special brand of faux-step.
Also it took FOREVER to get correct. :D
Neoclassical. I always have a hard time appreciating it. I love the classical.. and I wish it were better left alone. But that's only because of my tastes. Although, I do appreciate some neoclassical, basically most of the Final Fantasy music collection, and I can still appreciate this piece. Well done.
Wait? So this genre is called neoclassical? I never knew there was such a genre D;
Anyways thanks for enjoying! I do make straight modern orchestral music :p, but i still tend to keep the percussion rhythmic when used!
Like i said, if you think this was good, oh man, you should hear my upcoming orchestral pieces.
Hehe, neat. Felt like a porno scooby doo. Is this your entry for the music competition? I just uploaded mien too. I love this haha.
I compose music as a hobby and I study math and science. My aspiration musically is to make an orchestral score for a video game, my scholarly aspirations are to develop effective models/algorithms. I am also fond of the wristwatch. Feel free to PM.
Joined on 3/27/10